Painting Portraits

Los Cuadros

The Process

The question is always raised, about whether I could paint a portrait from a photograph image or something of the sort, and I think a lot of people can. But as I learned a long time ago, the picture becomes static. For that reason, I prefer to have someone in front of me, so that I can get a sense of them.

It was a fathers day project and I was painting my son and husband at the time. My neighbour, Nicole, owner of Chinola, suggested I continue the portraits in her shop in the lead up to fathers day. So I did, and through Instragram, a potential client came about. She had four portraits to commission! It took two weeks and a couple of face to face sessions.

Typically, I need two 45 minute sessions with the person I am going to paint and this is done within a period of about 3 weeks. I take pictures so I can work on things I may have not captured, but I generally prefer to paint a person that is in front of me. Photographs can present a flat result. Plus, how can one truly be accurate with a persons aura from a mili second photograph shot? In the inbetween time while the painting is drying, I send pictures of changes made and sometimes the client asks for a few tweeks here and there.

The Experience

I like to provide a calming environment with music and herbal tea of whatever is of preference at the time, we can chat if you like during or we can be quiet, I try to gauge the situation and go with the flow.

Portrait four
Portrait three
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By Lotus Menezes

Lotus Menezes is an artist, online painting instructor, and avid traveler from Tanzana, currently living in Mississauga, Canada. When she’s not painting or teaching courses, Lotus can be found spending time with her family or sketching like a madwoman and blogging about it.

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